The cycle of NURSE BURNOUT is REAL!

Jun 11, 2020

Are you a NURSE that is feeling burned out?

The cycle of nurse burnout is the real deal!

You may have a lot of nursing turnover in your job speciality. I know that we do right now at my job. It is REAL! So many new nurses, medical assistants, and sonographers have come and gone over my past 8 years at this job. It is hard to have to keep training new hires. It is exhausting and draining. Don't get me wrong, it is what needs to happen, but it does affect you and your work day.

When you have nursing turnover, ultimately there is a nursing shortage. Nursing shortage happens when nurses leave the job and they haven't hired anyone yet or you are having a shortage because everyone new is being trained and can not take a patient load yet. Nursing turnover happens for many reasons, but only the nurse can attest to why she/he left the job.

There is inadequate staffing all the time. Someone calls off of work and it puts the rest of your staff responsible not only for their patients but for the nurse that called off too. Or the census is HIGH and there are not enough nurses on for the day.

ALL of this leads to job dissatifaction. When you are not happy with your job or the demands of your job are always falling short job dissatisfation will happen.



I have a group The Burntout Nurse for nurses that are ready for a change. They are ready to become their own BOSS! So if you are a NURSE or have some NURSE FRIENDS... send them to this group! I would be forever grateful!


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